Saturday, 15 February 2014

The beginning ...

 I guess as this is my first post I should start at the very beginning. 

When I was 19 years old I started having a lot of weird things happen. I would wake up and be in so much pain I could barely move. All I wanted to do was sleep. I would fall asleep at work! I started seeing my doctor who did a bunch of blood work to find out my white blood cell count was high. This lead to a bunch of other tests - everything from a check of my spleen to cancer.  After about 6 months of this I was referred to an internist. More blood work. Next visit he asked "have you ever heard of lupus?" I had - one of the backstreet boys sisters had just passed away with complications from lupus. He handed me some pamphlets said "well, you have it I'm referring you to a rheumatologist" and walked out. 

I handled the news well I think. I was happy. FINALLY. Finally I knew it wasn't just me! Something was actually wrong!

For those that don't know - lupus is an autoimmune disease. Your body doesn't recognize it's own markers and thinks there's an infection and starts fighting against itself. On the plus side I never had colds flus or anything like that (the joys of an over active immune!) Throughout the years I was in and put of hospital. So much so that it became second nature. Everything from blood transfusions, vasculitis, seizures.  Then the dreaded kidney disease struck. When I found out my kidney function was only about 30%. The real battle started. 

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